Muhammad in the Bible
What all Christians and Jews MUST know about the Bible
"Certainly, you will find the strongest among men in enmity to the believers (Muslims) the Jews and those who are Pagans, and you will find the nearest in love to the Believers (Muslims) those who say: "We are Christians." That is because amongst them are priests (Men devoted to learning) and monks (men who have renounced the world), and because they do not behave proudly. And when they listen to what has been sent down to the Messenger (Muhammad), you see their eyes overflowing with tears, for they recognize the truth. They say: "Our Lord! We believe; so write us down among the witnesses. And why should we not believe in Allah and in that which has come to us of the truth (Islamic Monotheism) and we wish that our Lord will admit us (in Paradise on the Day of Resurrection) along with the righteous people?" So because of what they said, Allah rewarded them Gardens under which rivers flow (in Paradise), they will abide therein forever. Such is the reward of good-doers. But those who disbelieved and denied Our signs, they shall be the dwellers of the Hell-Fire." (Holy Qur'an 5:82-86)
Muhammad In The Old Testament:
Prefatory Remarks, Allah And His Attributes "And The Ahmed Of All Nations Will Come." - Haggai, ii.7.
The Question Of The Birthright And The Covenant
The Mystery Of The "Mispa"
Prophet Muhammad Is The "Shiloh"
Prophet Muhammad And The Emperor Constantine
Prophet Muhammad Is The Son-Of-Man
King David Calls Him: "My Lord"
The Lord And The Prophet Of The Covenant
Genuine Prophets Preach Only Islam
Islam Is The Kingdom Of God On Earth
Prophet Muhammad In The New Testament:
Islam And Ahmadiyat Announced By Angels
"Eudokia" Means "Ahmadiyeh" [Luke ii. 14]
John The Baptist Announces A Powerful Prophet
The Prophet Foretold By The Baptist Was Certainly Prophet Muhammad - John The Baptist Foretold Prophet Muhammad
The Baptism Of John And Jesus Only A Type Of Religious Marking "Sibghatullah"
The "Sibghatullah," Or The Baptism With The Holy Spirit And With Fire
The "Paraclete" Is Not The Holy Spirit
"Periqlytos" Means "Ahmad"
"The Son Of Man," Who Is He?
By The Apocalyptical "Son Of Man," Prophet Muhammad Is Intended
The Son Of Man According To The Jewish Apocalypses
The Prophet Of Arabia As Spoken Of In The Bible "The Burden Upon Arabia" - Isaiah xxi. 13.