Some Christians will stop at nothing to try to bring down Islam and that is something that is well known throughout the world today. We receive many emails on the topic of the Quran and the Bible. This one however, is most intereseting, as it seems to put many of the essential ingredients of all of the attacks against Islam, Muslims, Quran and the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
One Christian wrote to me while trying to compare his "Bible" to our "Quran." -- We can do that for him - read on.
Bismillah Rahman RaheemISLAM TOMORROW - Q. & A. Free Service Provided by Yusuf Estes
"It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision."Quran [33:36]
Question (dated): 2003 - 12/23 21:30
Hi I am a Christian and I was wondering why you believe like this. I can't accept Islam because of the Quran and the way it was formed. Click here to find out why I say this. I also find it interesting that the Quran was said to have come from Gabriel when the Bible comes directly from God (Allah). I can't find any good reasons to believe the Quran over the Bible. It's also interesting that the Bible says, "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. For do I now persuade men or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ." (Galatians 1:8-10) Islam fulfills Jesus' prophecy when he said, "whoever kills you will think that he offers God service." (John 16:2) The Bible says, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." (2 Timothy 3:16) Here the Bible claims to be infallible. The Quran however, also claims to be infallible, but it also states, "God annuls what Satan casts." (Q22:52) So if Satan inspire verses how can one know which ones are valid and which are not. Furthermore if some verses can be inspired by Satan then how can I know that all of them aren't and that it's all a lie? The Bible never makes a statement like this, so it seems that the Bible has more of a chance of being true than the Quran.
Bismillah Rahman RaheemThank you for writing and for your question. First let us begin with Basics Of Islam [click].
Here are some important points to keep in mind:
1. As Muslims we cannot lie about anything, especially about our religion.
2. We have original recorded sources of our religion:
A) The Quran [click]
B) Teachings of Muhammad [click]
This is a unique part of Islam, not available in any other ancient religions.
3. Sometimes "questions" contain misinformation. We must qualify what it is that someone is saying against what they are implying.
4. If during the answer, you hear yourself saying, "I didn't know that" or "This is good," then are you ready to worship your God and your Lord without and partners?
This what Islam is really all about. The most important subject is the worship of Almighty God, without any partners or associates or "gods" besides Almighty God.
Thank you for taking the time to write to me. I appreciate that you took the time to express your interest and concerns about the Quran and the Bible. The most important thing to take into consideration is that fact that it is not you nor I who guide the people to Allah. It is only Allah who guides and it is only Allah who misguides. So, if you are desiring guidance to all truth, the One to ask is the One Above. If you are sincere, and honest with Him, then there can be no doubt that He will always guide the sincere to the Right Path.
There are some who do not want to be guided. Rather, they prefer to make up their own way or religion that suits them and makes them feel all warm and fuzzy. Naturally, that would not be acceptable to the One who is to be worshipped (Almighty God). That would be someone making up what they like and expecting the Lord of the Universe to accept it even though He has already ordained what it is that He wants from the people as worship to Him without partners.
You are concerned over the origin of the Bible and of the Quran. That is normal and you are most entitled to the truth and history of both. Many people like yourself fear that there may be corruption or interpolation within the Holy Books. For instance when some of them discover the problems with the Bible, they might even leave belief all together. That would be all too sad.
Actually, a large part of your concerns may be put to rest as soon as you acquire some very basic knowledge about these two subjects. Your ignorance is your best excuse and you are most welcome to share from the many years of knowledge and experience that we have accumulated concerning this important topic.
First and foremost, a Muslim must agree with at least a number of your statements, due to the very message of the Quran itself. Consider that you said that the Bible came directly from God. Where else could it have come from? The very first words in the Quran confirm that the Bible was "sent down" before the Quran and it is from Allah. Also, Muslims cannot be considered as believers unless they do confirm that the Bible was originally from Almighty God. So this is no longer a point of discussion, in that we both agree.
Was the Bible sent down in English? - No. That would be most facetious to consider when we take into consideration that English is only a 940 year old language. Does the Bible still exist in the original form in which it was revealed and in the original languages? - No.
Can any scholar of the Bible say with absolute certainty which of the verses of the Bible came to Abraham, or Moses, or David, or Solomon or Jesus? - No. Do you accept that the English version of the Bible is the same thing that was held in hands of the Great and Noble prophets of Almighty God? - No.
Of course you don't. After all, only the most inept and uneducated from the most backward of civilizations would dare make such a claim. Does the book that Christians call the "Bible" today represent the Great and Noble Bible of Moses, David and Jesus? - No.
Does this English version contain mistakes? - Too many. (Refer to the links I have provided)
Bible? Did it come from God? - Yes. Absolutely. No doubt. Quran? Did it come from the same God? - It claims to and it confirms the same about the real Bible. Quran? Was it sent down in Arabic? - Yes. It says so as one of the verses in it; "A reading sent down in the clear Arabic language..." Does the Quran still exist in the original form? - Yes. It is still available all over the world in the Arabic language.
Can any scholar of the Quran sate with absolute certainty that the Quran today is the same one that was sent down to Muhammad? - Yes. And they do. Do we accept that the Arabic version of the Quran is the same thing that was held in the hearts and memories of the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him? - Yes. Ask any Muslim scholar.
Does the book that the Muslims call the Quran today represent the Great and Noble Quran of Muhammad, peace be upon him? - Yes. No doubt. Does the Arabic Quran contain mistakes? - No. Not even one. Quran? Does anyone know what it sounded like? - Yes. All Muslims recite it in Arabic in their prayers five times a day. Bible? - Anyone know what it sounded like? - Only a few experts claim to know how some words might have sounded but they are not one hundred percent sure about most of it.
Bible? - Are there different versions with omissions, deletions, changes, missing books? (Compare Catholic Bible [73 books] to Protestant Bible [66 books])? - Yes. Many. Quran? - Are there different versions with omissions, deletions, changes, missing books? - No.
Bible? - Do people still memorize it today as they once did thousands of years ago, in the original language? - No. Quran? - - Yes. All Muslims have memorized at least some books of the Quran and over 9,000,000 (nine million) have memorized the entire Quran, living today.
In fact, a young man came to me about 7 years ago and asked to know more about Islam. He liked the idea of God being the Only God and He is Almighty and does not accept people to set up rival gods with Him in worship. He became a "Muslim" (one who submits their will to the Will of God on earth as it is in Heaven). And today he has memorized the entire Quran from cover to cover in the Arabic language. Do you think that this is something small? Do you consider all of the above comparisons and then just keep on blindly making statements without evidences? - No, of course you don't. I feel certain that you are smarter than that and in fact, you are probably somewhat like myself in that you are a seeker of truth, rather than an ignorant promoter of evil, ignorance and hatred. Right? - Of course you are. And as a seeker of truth, you want evidence and plenty of it.
You came to the right place. And you are most welcome.
But before we begin a deep discussion regarding these wonderful revelations that the Almighty sent down to us, I would like to offer some reference materials for you to read and contemplate prior to our anticipated lengthy correspondence. Agreed?
Good. Here are the links to some of the basics to help you get to the first levels of basic knowledge of textual understanding:
Bibleh ttp://www.TodayIslam.com/bible.htm
Quran http://www.IslamTomorrow.com/everything/quran.htm
After you have completed your fundamentals for preparing for a dialog with me on these issues, I will be waiting for you with open arms and caring heart. Please do as I did many years ago. Clean out the prejudices and bias from your mind and heart and open up to the message of Jesus, peace be upon him. He came as the Christ, the Messiah, the Immaculate Conception and he will return in the Last Days to lead his true followers to victory over the Antichrist by the Will of the Almighty.
Wouldn't you like to join him, peace be upon him? So, would we. {half end of the e-mail]
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[ Answers from Sheik Yusuf Estes, National Muslim chaplain. American born & former Christian, student of many scholars, he offers help with authentic information about ISLAM in easy English.]
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