Islam & Christinaty 1 By: Gary Miller
Islam & Christinaty 2 By: Gary Miller
Islam & Christinaty 3 By: Gary Miller
Islam & Christinaty 4 By: Gary Miller
The Amazing Quran 1 By: Gary Miller
The Divinity of Jesus By: Gary Miller
Islam and Christianity, debate:
Concept of God in Islam & Christianity 1 (Debate) By: Jamal Badawi
Concept of God in Islam & Christianity 2 (Debate) By: Jamal Badawi
God as Viewed in the Bible and the Quraan (Debate) By: Jamal Badawi
Is the Bible the Word of God? (Debate) By: Jamal Badawi
Jesus in the Qur'an 1: Birth By: Jamal Badawi
Jesus in the Qur'an 2: Humanity By: Jamal Badawi
Jesus in the Qur'an 3: Mission By: Jamal Badawi
Muhammad in the Bible 1: Methodology By: Jamal Badawi
Muhammad in the Bible 2: Lineage of The Awaited Prophet By: Jamal Badawi
Muhammad in the Bible 3: A Prophet Like Unto Moses By: Jamal Badawi
Muhammad in the Bible 4: Location By: Jamal Badawi
Muhammad in the Bible 5: Characteristics By: Jamal Badawi
Muhammad in the Bible 6: About the Qur'an and Ka'bah By: Jamal Badawi
Muhammad in the Bible 7: Jesus' Prophecy By: Jamal Badawi
Muhammad in the Bible 8: Other References and Conclusions By: Jamal Badawi
The Authenticity of the Bible (Debate) By: Jamal Badawi
The Cross & Salvation (Debate) By: Jamal Badawi
The Divinity of Jesus (Debate) By: Jamal Badawi
The Way to Salvation (Debate) By: Jamal Badawi
Was Jesus Divine or Was he a Prophet of God? (Debate) By: Jamal Badawi